Jnf cleaning service

Comercial cleaning company

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Cleaning services we offer

Bond Cleaning

We offer bond cleaning services from Caloundra to Noosa. We are specialised in bond cleaning or end of lease clean. We offer 3 days call back gurantee after we clean the property. That means if there are any issues found by real estate agent we will come and fix it with no cost.

Carpet cleaning

We offer carpet and upholstrey steam clean. We also steam clean mattress, rug and lounges etc.

Office Cleaning

We offer office clean service to the offices and business around  Maroochydore and Coolum beach area.

Builders Clean

Jnf cleaning service help builders to complete final cleaning before handing to the clients. We make sure the property looks beautiful and clean from every corner.

Job done by the team Jnf cleaning service 

Few pictures of the bond clean done by team:)

About us

JNF Cleaning service is an Australian owned company with vast experience in end of lease cleaning, office cleaning, spring cleaning, builders clean,oven and BBQ cleaning and carpet cleaning. We have become the highly regarded cleaning experts in sunshine coast due to our top quality services. Our cleaners are hired after a thorough background check and are expertly trained in their specific cleaning expectations. Our cleaning checklist is compliant with the industry regulations. Making the customers happy is our utmost priority. We make sure that you have a stress free day while we do all the messy work for you. You can rely on us for the best cleaning services in Sunshine coast. We are the recomended contractor cleaner for major real estate agents on the coast.

Contact us


mobile: 0421 50 88 54

Send us an email or text with your service request and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Please fill the form with the service request you have including the date you are looking at. We will get back to you soon:)